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Full Version: NDLR clock unstable to incoming clock
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There seems to he a few related posts on this topic but i am yet to find a conclusive answer. This issue has been bugging me for some time and i have reached the end of my troubleshooting tree. I want to use the NDLR in performances but it is not acting reliably for me as follows:

Basically NDLR clock is experiencing big variations on the information it sends when trying to stay in sync to midi clock from an external source. The external clock bpm is fixed.

I get the same result using din midi and now I've tried usb midi with the same issue. I use firmware 73 and intend to try 79 soon even though no specific changes seem to have been made in this area.

Clock sources have been deluge (din and usb), DJS1000 (din) and a dj controller(din) all with the same result. I have seperately verified these clocks are received by other devices without an issue and no fluctuations.

Visually on the NDLR main screen I can see the clock for an incoming bpm of 137 fluctuate between 136.7 and 137.9. On the setting page the 'Tic' indications are very irregular, sometimes two or three rapid tics at high speed and then it seems to miss one or two. I can probably provide a video if required.

Most importantly audio, it is definitely audible and some motifs seem to drift over time and essentially lag a bit and occasionally catch up. Reference to the deluge and any downstream equipment like my drum machine.

Without the NDLR my entire setup is super tight and well synced, for some reason adding NDLR into the mix upset things greatly and my suspicion is that my unit has trouble remaining synced to the clock in for some reason.

I would really appreciate any additional troubleshooting tips/methods of elimination, or any possible solutions.

Also would like to understand if other users are seeing these tic and bpm display fluctuations.

Thanks in advance

Marc H
Hey Marc, this seems like a problem we would be best off (at least partly) tackling over Zoom or Facetime. Can you shoot me an email at Give me your availability over the next few days as well as your timezone and we can set up a meeting to see whats up.
(07-12-2022, 03:59 PM)Jesse Johannesen Wrote: [ -> ]Hey Marc, this seems like a problem we would be best off (at least partly) tackling over Zoom or Facetime. Can you shoot me an email at Give me your availability over the next few days as well as your timezone and we can set up a meeting to see whats up.
Thank you Jesse I have sent an email
I see a similar thing with my Akai Force as the master.

Force is set at say 130 which connects to a USB hub and feeds the NDLR; its BPM is fluctuating either side of 130.
I think these fluctuations are artifacts of the measurement process rather than actual fluctuation, but I will have to ask Steve to confirm one way or the other.
(07-13-2022, 06:11 PM)Jesse Johannesen Wrote: [ -> ]I think these fluctuations are artifacts of the measurement process rather than actual fluctuation, but I will have to ask Steve to confirm one way or the other.

What was the outcome here? I can also see the irregular timed ticks in the interface. Measurement or actual flux? BPM on both sides of the actual BPM.
I would love to know the outcome here...

I am also having problems with my NDLR maintaining BPM with flutuations around the input clock speed,

I have tested DIN in, modular clock in, and now tested MRCC in via USB, all with the same results, The NDLR dose not maintain a steady BPM.

Every other bit of equipment has tight timing without The NDLR incorporated, when it is plugged in the NDLR's Bpm  just drifts up and down, when used on its own as the master clock it is fine.

Just a brief description of my midi path,

Keystep to MRCC in, via USB
NDLR to MRCC in, via USB (clock is filtered on The NDLR out)
MRCC out to OCTOTRACK in, via DIN (sending The NDLR and Keystep notes only)
MRCC then splits to all equipment with separate outs DIN only.

this setup runs a tight clock when The NDLR is not plugged in,

I have also run my setup without the MRCC using a MOTU merge/splitter and MIDI solutions splitter doing the same as the MRCC, and I had the same problems with The NDLR not maintain a steady BPM.

Can you shoot me an email at our support@conductivelabs address? I want to try and set up a zoom meeting with you to see if I can figure this out with you. I can't think what this could be but maybe if I see it we'll get somewhere.
Hi how did this go?
No reply. I don't know what that could be, the NDLR has a dead steady clock though, so whatever it is isn't that.
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