Hello to you all,
my name Bert age 70++ English not my native language. I send email to support but not reply on that. Have very large setup with keybords, 2 sequencers and in total 10x differ mono synth.
For sometime i use retrokits midi router for my MIDI routing and this week buy MRCC because of the connectivity, cable management and the ON/OFF buttons per MID channel
For days try figger out how routing my gear who not doing what i able do with my retrokits.
MRCC MID DIN INPUT -1 have a keybord / Sequencer and all my SYNT use differ midi channel input like this:
SYNT-1 input set to MID CH-1
SYNT-2 input set to MID CH-2
SYNT-3 input set to MID CH-3
In channel mapping, it seem not possible mapping the MID keybord or sequencer channel-1 to 8 synt differ MID channels out. Only, work when all 8 synth manual set to same MID channel in this case MID channel 1.
The channel mapping have no "OUT-ALL")
in short terms,
Possible to connect my MIDI keybord or sequencer run over input channel-1 MRCC MID mapping to output 8 differ MID channels?
Thank you
If you want to set all of your synths up on their own Port (1-8 for example), and control them with channels 1-8 of Input Port 1, then you will want to use the last MOD in the list, called C-P1 on the routing. This will listen on the channel that matches the port number of the output, so Port 1 out will listen to Channel 1, Port 2 will listen to channel 2, etc. However the outputs will all be sent out on channel 1.
So the set this up you would put the input device into Port 1 input, then press the green button and navigate to the Routing page (page 2 of the menu) by turning the encoder. Then for each port you want to route to, you will do the following:
1. press the button below the port
2. navigate to the Modifier slot 1 and select C-P1
3. press the button for the next port and repeat step 2,
Once you do this for all ports, set the Synths on these ports to all listen for MIDI on CH 1.
Now by changing the MIDI channel on Port 1 you can change which output will get the MIDI messages. Sending MIDI on CH 2 will output on Port 2 Ch 1, sending on Ch 4 will go out Port 4 ch 1, etc.
Translated by google to Dutch:
Als je al je synths op hun eigen poort wilt instellen (bijvoorbeeld 1-8), en ze wilt besturen met kanalen 1-8 van ingangspoort 1, dan wil je de laatste MOD in de lijst gebruiken, genaamd C -P1 op de routering. Dit zal luisteren op het kanaal dat overeenkomt met het poortnummer van de uitgang, dus poort 1 uit zal luisteren naar kanaal 1, poort 2 zal luisteren naar kanaal 2, enz. De uitgangen worden echter allemaal verzonden op kanaal 1.
Dus als u dit instelt, plaatst u het invoerapparaat op poort 1-ingang, drukt u vervolgens op de groene knop en navigeert u naar de Routing-pagina (pagina 2 van het menu) door aan de encoder te draaien. Vervolgens doet u voor elke poort waarnaar u wilt routeren het volgende:
1. druk op de knop onder de poort
2. navigeer naar Modifier slot 1 en selecteer C-P1
3. druk op de knop voor de volgende poort en herhaal stap 2,
Zodra je dit voor alle poorten hebt gedaan, stel je de Synths op deze poorten in om allemaal naar MIDI te luisteren op CH 1.
Door nu het MIDI-kanaal op poort 1 te wijzigen, kunt u wijzigen welke uitgang de MIDI-berichten ontvangt. Het verzenden van MIDI op CH 2 wordt uitgevoerd op poort 2, kanaal 1, verzending op kanaal 4 gaat uit op poort 4, kanaal 1, enz.
After editted my post, the forum make spaces....
Thank you,
Test this setup:
Keystep-PRO = output on MIDI channel - 1
Connect Keystep-Pro to MRCC to input port - 1 (left)
Because i also use sequencer like Polyend SEQ and OXO-one who use differ MIDI channels while playing GRID as voice or harmonic function
SYNT-1 = output on MIDI channel - 1
SYNT-2 = output on MIDI channel - 2
SYNT-3 = output on MIDI channel - 3
SYNT-4 = output on MIDI channel - 4
MRCC igo to:
ROUTING settings
1 -> 1 set C-P1 in all 6 boxes and synt - 1 playing OK
1 -> 2 set C-P1 in all 6 boxes and synt - 2 not play
1 -> 3 set C-P1 in all 6 boxes and synt - 3 not play
1 -> 4 set C-P1 in all 6 boxes and synt - 4 not play
1 -> 5 set C-P1 in all 6 boxes and synt - 5 not play
The C-P1 Mod will only output to channel 1 on any given port. I followed up via email with you Bert, but I am getting a notice that your email is blocking out mail server, so you are not receiving these emails.
Basically there isn't a way to get exactly what you are looking to do in the MRCC. I am happy to help come up with a different solution, but it's probably going to involve doing what I suggested above and setting the Synths all to channel 1. Let me know if you want to go over this together.
(07-06-2022, 09:25 PM)Jesse Johannesen Wrote: [ -> ]The C-P1 Mod will only output to channel 1 on any given port. I followed up via email with you Bert, but I am getting a notice that your email is blocking out mail server, so you are not receiving these emails.
Basically there isn't a way to get exactly what you are looking to do in the MRCC. I am happy to help come up with a different solution, but it's probably going to involve doing what I suggested above and setting the Synths all to channel 1. Let me know if you want to go over this together.
Hi Jesse,
Using the latest FW
Reply i send with pictures about the settings i try but not function
Contact some YOUtube channels to ask if they able to test the setup, but most of those only do promotional work to get free hardware

Also contact Thomann, to see if Thomann able to connect hardware and reproduce this matter. Thomann not have/use MRCC in there studio but advice me to try using MOD menu because this is not a special setup but very common any midi merger is able or can do this. But no one is able actual test it.......... on MRCC.
Also on this user forum, no hints / advice from other users.
MRCC only do input MID-1 to output MID-1,
MRCC only do input MID-2 to output MID-2,
MRCC only do input MID-3 to output MID-3,
And wish MRCC is forwarded pass tru or merge to differ other midi channels and i not able to get it functional.
MRCC like do input MID-1 to output MID-1,
MRCC like do input MID-1 to output MID-2,
MRCC like do input MID-1 to output MID-3,
MRCC setup to MIDi TRU?
MRCC setup to MIDi merge?
Is this possible? Is it bug? Or, what i do wrong that not get functional?
Thank you
Maybe I do not exactly understand the problem, but here is something:
Set up 6 channel maps. Page 28 29 of the current manual.
Create map 1: position1 - In: 1, Out: 1, Exclusive = Y (set positions 2,3,4 In to NONE)
Create map 2: position1 - In: 2, Out: 2, Exclusive = Y (set positions 2,3,4 In to NONE)
Create map 3: position1 - In: 3, Out: 3, Exclusive = Y (set positions 2,3,4 In to NONE)
Create map 4: position1 - In: 4, Out: 4, Exclusive = Y (set positions 2,3,4 In to NONE)
Create map 5: position1 - In: 5, Out: 5, Exclusive = Y (set positions 2,3,4 In to NONE)
Create map 6: position1 - In: 6, Out: 6, Exclusive = Y (set positions 2,3,4 In to NONE)
Then go to the Routing Screen (page 24 25) and select In port -> out port (1 -> 1) and use the 1st filter.
Then set In port -> Out port (1 -> 2) to use the second filter. Continue doing that for the first 6 channels.
EDIT - wrong page numbers. I was using manual version 0.0.120, not 1.1.020
(07-07-2022, 03:45 PM)oldgearguy Wrote: [ -> ]Maybe I do not exactly understand the problem, but here is something:
Set up 6 channel maps. Page 28 of the current manual.
Create map 1: position1 - In: 1, Out: 1, Exclusive = Y (set positions 2,3,4 In to NONE)
Create map 2: position1 - In: 2, Out: 2, Exclusive = Y (set positions 2,3,4 In to NONE)
Create map 3: position1 - In: 3, Out: 3, Exclusive = Y (set positions 2,3,4 In to NONE)
Create map 4: position1 - In: 4, Out: 4, Exclusive = Y (set positions 2,3,4 In to NONE)
Create map 5: position1 - In: 5, Out: 5, Exclusive = Y (set positions 2,3,4 In to NONE)
Create map 6: position1 - In: 6, Out: 6, Exclusive = Y (set positions 2,3,4 In to NONE)
Then go to the Routing Screen (page 24) and select In port -> out port (1 -> 1) and use the 1st filter.
Then set In port -> Out port (1 -> 2) to use the second filter. Continue doing that for the first 6 channels.
Thank for help reply,
I found User manual version -v1.1.020.pdf
Your advice i not sure its on page 25, 26, 27 or 28
USER MANUAL v1.1.020 page 29
menu MOD - CHAN - MAP
not see "NONE"
I only see 1 2 3 4 5 6 ALL
I make drawing only to get the idea as part of my setups using sequencers OXi one and Polyend SEQ total of 16 differ MIDI channels as 1 to 16 Using many many DIN cables So you all understand why i like using the MRCC with the switch buttons
You have 2 ways to solve this routing.
First, Go to the Router Screen Page.
On the first screen 1 -> 1 Move to the empty boxes. Select the MOD C-P1
Move the cursor and change 1 -> 1 to 1 -> 2. Select MOD C-P1
Move the cursor and change 1 -> 2 to 1 -> 3. Select MOD C-P1
Do this for all the ports you are using.
NOW - go to every synthesizer and set the MIDI Input channel to Channel 1.
Your sequencers will send MIDI messages on channels 1-16, the MRCC will send Channel 1 to output port 1, channel 2 to output port 2, channel 3 to output port 3, and so on.
The second method is to use Channel filtering.
Go to the Channel Map screen.
For Chan Map #1, set it like this:
Exclusive: Y
1 Ch In: 1 Out: 1
2 Ch In: 14 Out: 14
3 Ch In: 15 Out: 15
4 Ch In: 16 Out: 16
Now cursor up to #1 and change it to #2. Set it up like this:
Exclusive: Y
1 Ch In: 2 Out: 2
2 Ch In: 14 Out: 14
3 Ch In: 15 Out: 15
4 Ch In: 16 Out: 16
Do the same for #3, #4, #5, #6
Some day they will add the feature to select In: None, but it is not there in OS 1.1.052, so I just set them to unused channels.
NOW - go to the Routing Screen Page.
For Route 1 -> 1, add MOD Ch1
cursor to the output port and change 1 -> 1 to 1 -> 2
Add MOD Ch2
change 1 -> 2 to 1 -> 3 and add MOD Ch3
This works for 6 channels only since you can only create 6 channel mods.
Leave each synthesizer set to the same channel number as the port (like you had it in your pictures).
My setup is also complex with multiple sequencers and because I have some multi-timbral synthesizers, I use a combination of both ways to configure the port filtering.
Here is part of my setup:
Thank you, i will try your advice this weekend it look like we both use very large hardware setup and my wish the MRCC will be the best to control them all.
This i my setup picture from july 2022 all in 19" rack
Right topside, you see MRCC in 19" rack
OXI-one on left down on the box, but not connected
in total use 10 hardware Syth no DAW no PC
all hardware connected with MIDI DIN using there own input and output MIDI channel play there own sound/song/melody but simultaneous.
The Polyend SEQuencer is the main base controller for 8 Synthesiser, using the MIDI channels simultaneous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 per sequencer grid ROW.
It look when i setup your last routing settings while using the PolyendSEQ,
i lost play MIDI channel 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and only hear all synthesisers play polyendSEQ MIDI channel 1?
Is this correct?
MRCC and OXi-one just arrived this week, need some study to find the workflow

i notice you also use the OXI-one and after solve the MRCC it be possible change some setup settings ?