Conductive Labs Support Forum

Full Version: Loss of pad depth with the 7th
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On the NDLR, I seem to experience a loss of the depth (breadth?) in my pads when I trigger the 7th degree of my scale. I have inversion on, and regardless of my pad range settings, the 7th degree feels hollow and empty. Is there a way to get depth back into my pads? 
Can I assign ranges per voice (if I'm using the P-Chains)? Are my progressions just bunk and that's why the lower notes are filtered away when I trigger the 7th?
Would love to know. Glowing reviews otherwise.
This is because the number of notes in the pool increases by 33 percent when you add the 7th, while the pad range value is just the integer number of notes to spread out so if you have C Maj - CEG, then a pad range of 9 you'll get 3 octaves of spread, but if you do C Maj 7th - CEGB, then then the spread is suddenly 2 octaves and a root instead of 3 octaves.
I hope that makes sense.
(09-09-2021, 01:28 PM)Jesse Johannesen Wrote: [ -> ]This is because the number of notes in the pool increases by 33 percent when you add the 7th, while the pad range value is just the integer number of notes to spread out so if you have C Maj - CEG, then a pad range of 9 you'll get 3 octaves of spread, but if you do C Maj 7th - CEGB, then then the spread is suddenly 2 octaves and a root instead of 3 octaves.
I hope that makes sense.

It does. Thank you!