Hardware MIDI Connectivity
- Using Remote 7 and adding midi thru box (2 Replies)
- Launchpad Pro connected with MRCC and PC (0 Replies)
- Can't get USB PC to USB host to work (4 Replies)
- MRCC - USB Connections (2 Replies)
- Midi channel routing question (6 Replies)
- AKA Force not receiving MIDI via MRCC USB host port (1 Reply)
- Prophet 10 rev4 USB MIDI not working (0 Replies)
- ESI M8UXL (0 Replies)
- ACME-4 midi clock (14 Replies)
- Line 6 Helix (0 Replies)
- sync with modular synth (3 Replies)
- Weird behaviors/ Bugs with USB ports (1 Reply)
- MRCC Freezing with Akai Force (4 Replies)
- Squarp Instruments Hermod works over USB (15 Replies)
- MRCC Crashes trying to route Deluge to Behringer 2600 USB (3 Replies)
- multiple connection problem (0 Replies)
- esi m4u xl (2 Replies)
- Some hardware only works on USB A (4 Replies)
- Atari only works on midi input 3 (1 Reply)
- Novation Circuit clock drift when using just TRS output from MRCC (1 Reply)